Friday, 4:45pm. Ordinary close-of-business meeting. Every day, before we shut off, we have a team meeting to plan the next day. I confess, rigorous planning is a key skill for a good translations project manager. But there is something more important than that.

Monday, 9am. Walking into the office, a coffee in my hand, excited for the day. I feel a sense of having everything under control. And here comes a smile when I see my to-do list. I can’t start my day without one. Not too short, not too long. The best to-do list needs to be just one thing: realistic.

But I am getting ahead of myself.

Lists, project plans, meetings… What does a translations project manager actually do?

In essence, we make sure objectives become outcomes. We take the time to understand the why and the what. And we become the how. We are the bridge between you and the team of translators. We plan, discuss, negotiate, brief and manage. Deadlines, budgets, linguists…

Our number one priority is our community. Delivering translations that are culturally appropriate, respectful of their culture and beliefs, but above all, we want our translations to be useful. We work hard to make sure that our translations are written in plain language and are easy to understand.

And how do we actually do that?

naati translations project

  • We Plan Projects Down to Every Detail

Literally. We have tools that help us plan every little detail. Translation strategies, style guides, community checking guidelines… everything gets customised based on the project objectives and the target communities.

And we document everything. Keeping good records of who does what and when is essential when we manage several projects at the same time.

  • We Maintain Good Relationships with our NAATI Translators

NAATI Translators are our business and community partners. They have the linguistic expertise, but they also understand your target community. They are the bridge between cultures. Sylaba’s most valuable asset.

With every project comes extensive briefing, which is topped up by keeping open communication channels with every one of our NAATI translators. We support them so that they have all the information they need to make the best linguistic decisions so that your content is as effective as it can be.

  • We Follow a Meticulous Quality Control Process

If I was to describe our daily work in three words, they would be “check, check and check”, and then some more! Yes, that’s right! For us, it is not just merely proofreading but following up on different levels of touch points that need to be reviewed across all the languages of a project.

Managing Deadlines and Budgets in Translation Projects 

naati translations project

Managing deadlines and budgets is a crucial part of a translation project manager’s job. Here are some strategies that we use to effectively manage these aspects of a project: 

  • Develop a project plan: At the start of every project, we develop a comprehensive project plan that outlines all the tasks that need to be completed, deadlines, and budget allocations. This helps us stay organized and ensures that we have a clear roadmap to follow and create a NAATI translations project.
  • Prioritize tasks: Once we have a project plan, we prioritize tasks based on their level of importance and urgency. This helps us focus on critical tasks and ensures that we meet our deadlines. 
  • Set realistic deadlines: We set realistic deadlines for each task based on the time required to complete it, the availability of resources, and the project’s overall timeline. We ensure that we have enough time to complete each task while also leaving room for unexpected issues. 
  • Monitor progress: We closely monitor the progress of each task to ensure that we are on track to meet our deadlines. We use project management tools to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and adjust our plan as necessary. 
  • Manage resources: We manage our resources carefully to ensure that we stay within budget. We work with our team of translators to identify any potential issues that may impact the budget and take proactive measures to address them. 
  • Communicate with stakeholders: We keep our clients and stakeholders informed about project progress, budget, and any potential issues that may impact the project’s timeline or budget. This helps us manage expectations and ensures that everyone is on the same page. 

By following these strategies, we can effectively manage deadlines and budgets in translation projects, ensuring that we deliver high-quality translations on time and within budget. 

Importance of Cultural Sensitivity in Translation Projects 

naati translations project

Cultural sensitivity is a critical aspect of any translation project. Here are some reasons why it is important: 

  • Avoiding cultural misunderstandings: Translation is not just about converting words from one language to another. It is also about conveying the meaning and intent of the original text in a way that is culturally appropriate. Cultural sensitivity helps ensure that the translated text is accurate and does not cause cultural misunderstandings or offend the target audience. 
  • Respect for cultural diversity: Different cultures have different values, beliefs, and traditions. A culturally sensitive translation takes these differences into account and respects the diversity of the target audience. 
  • Building trust with the target audience: When a translation is culturally sensitive, it shows that the translator understands and respects the target audience’s culture. This helps build trust and credibility with the audience, which is essential for effective communication. 
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of the translation: A culturally sensitive translation is more likely to be effective in achieving its intended purpose. It is more likely to resonate with the target audience and be perceived as relevant and meaningful. 
  • Avoiding legal or ethical issues: A culturally insensitive translation can result in legal or ethical issues, especially if it is offensive or inaccurate. By being culturally sensitive, translators can avoid such issues and ensure that the translated text meets legal and ethical standards. 

In summary, cultural sensitivity is critical to the success of any translation project. It helps ensure that the translation accurately conveys the intended meaning and is culturally appropriate, respectful, and effective.   

No two days are the same at Sylaba’s offices. And we wouldn’t change that for the world.

Plain hugs,


Personal Document Translation

2 Days Turnaround Time for $69

– Birth Certificate
– Marriage Certificate
– Driver’s Licence
– Police Check
– National ID Card
– Passport
– Degree Certificate

About the Author: Sonia Sanchez

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