How do you translate something from one language to another? Do you use certified translator?  The likelihood is that you will copy and paste it into Google Translate to get the answer. Is that answer also always grammatically correct? No. However, for on the go or base translations, it proves a very handy tool.

Handy, but would you trust it to provide content you need for something important? A legal document? A sales brochure? Something that you are relying on to make an impact. Probably not!

That’s why yesterday, today and tomorrow, there will always be a place for human translation. AI has enabled unbelievable advancements in translations. However, while machines can translate words, they ultimately fail to ever be able to translate meaning – and with the absence of a human brain, that will never change.

What is a Certified Translator (NAATI)?

A certified translator, specifically referring to NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) certification, is a professional translator who has obtained accreditation from NAATI, which is an organization responsible for setting and maintaining standards for translation and interpreting in Australia.

NAATI certification is widely recognized and respected in Australia and is often required or preferred for various translation and interpreting roles, particularly in government departments, legal settings, and other professional contexts. NAATI offers certification in various language pairs, including but not limited to English and languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, etc.

To become a certified translator, individuals need to meet certain requirements set by NAATI, which typically include demonstrating language proficiency, knowledge of translation theory and techniques, and passing a series of rigorous exams. The certification process may vary depending on the language pair and level of certification sought.

NAATI certification provides assurance to clients and employers that the translator possesses the necessary skills and competence to deliver accurate and reliable translations. It serves as a recognized benchmark of professionalism and quality in the translation industry in Australia.

certified translator

When are specific instances when you will definitely need a professional certified translator? Let’s explore 3 key scenarios:

  • Legal documentation

Where you require translation of legal documents, be it for business or personal reasons, you cannot run the risk of error. Machine translations will directly translate the words, but any potential misinterpretation could have legal consequences, creating legal loopholes and opening opportunities for legal applications to be denied.

The potential consequences are just too significant to risk – and in many cases, you may be legally required to have a certified translator translate documentation.

That’s why you should not only seek to have documents translated by just “any” professional translator but by someone who actually understands the legalities discussed or outlined in the document to minimise opportunity for error and ensure the highest quality translation.

  • Sales and marketing materials

If your sales materials and marketing campaigns are to deliver on the objective they were created to meet – engage and drive new business – they need to nail the right messaging and information. To sell and market something into a target audience, you must speak their language – literally.

Your translated sales materials and marketing campaign messaging should not just adopt the language, but ultimately the tone and phraseology that is the right fit for each international market you are targeting.

There are no “one fits all” sales materials or marketing campaigns. Those who have tried to simply use a direct translated version of their native language brochure or campaign materials have found this out the hard way. It doesn’t land; it doesn’t have the same impact and worst-case scenario, it may even offend.

  • Sense checking translations

At a bare minimum, if you own a business, you should hire a professional translator to “sense check” any document or content translations. Some companies may be intent on using machine translations or relying on internal bilingual staff or partners to translate content, be it for cost-savings or perceived ease. However, they should never be published or accepted without a sense check by a professional translator.

Think of it like seeking out a second opinion, a more informed opinion, from someone who has the skillset to pick up on errors beyond direct translation errors – taking factors like cultural and behavioural understanding, tone of voice and market knowledge into account. Only then can you have true peace of mind regarding your translations.

certified translator

As a general rule, if you require translations for legal or business, you must hire a professional translator. Like hiring a professional accountant to handle your financial obligations or a tax consultant for managing taxations obligations, the same thinking should apply to translations. In key scenarios, it really is best left to the experts.

At Sylaba we deliver NAATI certified translation services into 65+ languages. SpanishHindiArabic and Greek are some of the top languages that we translate.

Do you want to learn more about what goes into a successful translation project? Check out our blog to learn more about translation!

You can also learn more about how right-to-left scripts work in languages like Arabic, Farsi or Dari.

Other articles that you might find useful:

What Goes into a Successful Translation Project

Business Document Translation: The Importance of Glossaries

Personal Document Translation

2 Days Turnaround Time for $69

– Birth Certificate
– Marriage Certificate
– Driver’s Licence
– Police Check
– National ID Card
– Passport
– Degree Certificate

About the Author: Sonia Sanchez

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